A mind map of open standards relevant to Serious Games

It’s been less than two months since I started my PhD. I’m a new student, and my broad research topic, Serious Games, is also new to me. Unsurprisingly, I’m still unable to see clearly to where I should point my future research, and even less so to identify the thread that connects what I had been doing before and what I’m going to do next.

It’s still time to make sense of all the information that there is around me and to identify what has already been done. This can be a daunting and frustrating task… also because sometimes it seems all the good ideas are already being pursued!  (Doesn’t it always seem like that when you start reading the literature?)

In any case, in order to start moving in some direction, I decided to try to map what open standards relevant to serious games, gaming platforms, learning analytics and learning management systems exist already. The goal is to stand on the shoulder of giants, not to reinvent the wheel, right?

My first step into that direction was to create a mind map to start collecting links to existing work that I can find. This map is a work in progress, but I’m sharing it here nevertheless. If anyone has anything to add, please let me know in the comments or on Twitter (I’m @carvalho_mb).

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

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