Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

Maíra Brandão Carvalho

Specialist in interactive technology; information architect

Journalist with a specialization degree in Planning, Management and Digital Marketing. Holds a MSc. degree on Interactive Technology from the University of Tampere, Finland. Experienced in planning, information architecture, interface design and web development. Worked for WWF-Brazil, Agência Click, Fábrica de Ideias, Brazil’s National Supply Company (CONAB), and at the headquarters of the International Labour Organization (ILO), in Geneva.


Academic researcher (Masters level) in Interactive Technology, with emphasis in systems for low literacy users and technology for development.

User interface designer, information architect and web developer, with eleven years experience in development using HTML, CSS, PHP/MySQL. Some programming skills in Python and Java; very good knowledge in regular expressions. Worked as freelancer, leading internet sites and systems projects. Acted in the following development cycle stages: business account management, planning, information architecture and development. Volunteered in Open Source projects such as Drupal, Gentoo Linux and

Native Portuguese speaker. Fluent English. Intermediate Italian, Finnish and French. Basic knowledge in Spanish.



PhD in Interactive and Cognitive Environments, University of Genoa (Italy) and Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands). October, 2012 – September, 2015 (in progress). Research topic: Supporting the development of online Serious Games.

M.Sc. Interactive Technology, University of Tampere (Finland). August, 2007 – July, 2011. Thesis titled “Designing for Low-literacy Users: a Framework for Analysis of User-Centred Design Methods”.

Brazilian Latu-sensu Postgraduate Degree in Planning, Management and Digital Marketing, I-Group, Educartis and FECAP – Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado. São Paulo (Brazil). August, 2005 – September, 2006.

Bachelor in Communication, with specialization in Publicity and Advertising and Journalism , UnB – University of Brasília. Brasília, Brazil. March, 2000 – July, 2004.


Work experience

Web Manager, WWF-Brazil. Brasília (Brazil). December, 2009 – October, 2011.

Website and social media management. Adaptation and edition of content for online use. Analysis of website and social media usage statistics. Project management of products for the web. Management of team documentation and internal communication. Management of local photo and video databases. Relationship with the WWF Network.

Research Assistant, TAUCHI – Tampere Unit for Computer Human Interaction. Tampere (Finland). April, 2008 – August, 2009.

Teacher assistant in Scientific Writing course; research in Interactive Technology, with emphasis in systems for low-literacy users and technology for development.

Web Developer (Intern), ILO – International Labour Organization. Geneva (Switzerland). November, 2006 – August 2007.

Java programming to assist with customization of Stellent CMS to the new ILO website. Management of content in Stellent Content Server and creation of new pages. Aid in the creation and update of ILO Units’ static websites.

User Interface Designer, Brazilian National Supply Company – CONAB. Brasília (Brazil). September, 2005 – August, 2006.

Graphic design of web-based information systems. User interface prototyping for web-based applications.

Information Architect, AgênciaClick Brasília. Brasília (Brazil). April, 2005 – August, 2005.

Information architecture of websites and information systems. Designing wireframes, prototypes and navigation schemas.

Web Developer, Fábrica de Idéias. Brasília (Brazil). July, 2002 – February, 2005.

Maintenance of media monitoring software. Web interfaces design. System development using PHP/MySQL, HTML, CSS.


Research interests

Serious games, Human-Computer Interaction, Interactive Technology, User-Centred Design, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Assistive Technologies, Information and Communication Technologies for Development.


Participation in events

EC-TEL 2013 – Paphos (Cyprus). September 17-21, 2013. Participated in organization of the tutorial on Seamless assessment in Serious games (SEASG).

VSGames’12 – Genoa (Italy). October 29-31, 2012. Presented the demo of IBM’s Serious Game Innov8.

Interact 2009 – Uppsala (Sweden). August 24 -28, 2009. Student volunteer. Presented a paper at the workshop “Ethics, Roles and Relationships in Interaction Design in Developing Regions”.

BlogCampSwitzerland – Zurich (Switzerland). March 24, 2007. Participant and blogger.

LIFT’07 – Geneva (Switzerland). February 7-9, 2007. Participant at the conference and at the workshops “D.I.Y. Monitoring & Evaluation” and “12 Technology Values for the Future”.

First Barcamp Brasil – Florianópolis (Brazil), September 16 -17, 2006. Participant and organization staff.



[URL] M. B. Carvalho, “Serious games for learning: a model and a reference architecture for efficient game development,” PhD Thesis, 2017.

[PDF] [URL] M. B. Carvalho and M. M. Louwerse, “Grammar-based and lexicon-based techniques to extract personality traits from text,” in Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the Cognitive Science Society, London, UK, 2017, p. 1727–1732.

[DOI] M. Vahdat, M. B. Carvalho, M. Funk, M. Rauterberg, J. Hu, and D. Anguita, “Learning analytics for a puzzle game to discover the puzzle-solving tactics of players,” in European conference on technology enhanced learning (ECTEL), 2016, p. 673–677.

[DOI] M. Vahdat, M. B. Carvalho, M. Funk, M. Rauterberg, J. Hu, and D. Anguita, Learning analytics for lix puzzle-game, 2016.

[PDF] M. B. Carvalho, J. Hu, F. Bellotti, A. De Gloria, and M. Rauterberg, “Tutorial: service-oriented architecture (SOA) development for serious games,” in 14th international conference on entertainment computing (icec), Trondheim, Norway, 2015.

[DOI] J. M. Baalsrud Hauge, I. A. Stănescu, M. B. Carvalho, A. Stefan, M. Banica, and T. Lim, “Integrating Gamification in Mechanical Engineering Systems to Support Knowledge Processes,” in Asme 2015 international design engineering technical conferences and computers and information in engineering conference, 2015.

[PDF] [DOI] S. Arnab, T. Lim, M. B. Carvalho, F. Bellotti, S. de Freitas, S. Louchart, N. Suttie, R. Berta, and A. De Gloria, “Mapping learning and game mechanics for serious games analysis,” British journal of educational technology, vol. 46, iss. 2, p. 391–411, 2015.

[PDF] [DOI] M. B. Carvalho, F. Bellotti, R. Berta, A. De Gloria, G. Gazzarata, J. Hu, and M. Kickmeier-Rust, “A case study on service-oriented architecture for serious games,” Entertainment computing, vol. 6, p. 1–10, 2015.

[PDF] [DOI] M. B. Carvalho, F. Bellotti, R. Berta, A. De Gloria, C. Islas Sedano, J. Baalsrud Hauge, J. Hu, and M. Rauterberg, “An activity theory-based model for serious games analysis and conceptual design,” Computers & education, vol. 87, p. 166–181, 2015.

[PDF] [DOI] M. B. Carvalho, F. Bellotti, J. Hu, J. Baalsrud Hauge, R. Berta, A. De Gloria, and Matthias Rauterberg, “Towards a service oriented architecture framework for educational serious games,” in 15th IEEE international conference on advanced learning technologies (ICALT2015), Hualien, Taiwan, 2015, p. 147–151.

[URL] M. B. Carvalho, SG Study Github repository, 2015.

[URL] M. B. Carvalho, Comparison of two models for serious games analysis, 2015.

[PDF] M. B. Carvalho, F. Bellotti, R. Berta, F. Curatelli, A. De Gloria, G. Gazzarata, J. Hu, M. Kickmeier-Rust, and C. Martinengo, “The journey: a service-based adaptive serious game on probability,” in The games and learning alliance conference 2014, Bucharest, Romania, 2014.

[DOI] J. Baalsrud Hauge, F. Bellotti, R. Nadolski, R. Berta, and M. B. Carvalho, “Deploying serious games for management in higher education: lessons learned and good practices,” EAI endorsed transactions on serious games, vol. 14, iss. 3, p. 1–12, 2014.

[DOI] T. Lim, S. Louchart, N. Suttie, J. Baalsrud Hauge, I. A. Stanescu, F. Bellotti, M. B. Carvalho, J. Earp, M. Ott, S. Arnab, and D. Brown, “Serious Game Mechanics, Workshop on the Ludo-Pedagogical Mechanism,” in Games for training, education, health and sports SE – 19, S. Göbel and J. Wiemeyer, Eds., Springer international publishing, 2014, vol. 8395, p. 186–189.

[DOI] T. Lim, S. Louchart, N. Suttie, J. Baalsrud Hauge, I. A. Stanescu, I. M. Ortiz, P. Moreno-Ger, F. Bellotti, M. B. Carvalho, J. Earp, M. Ott, S. Arnab, and R. Berta, “Narrative serious game mechanics (NSGM) – insights into the narrative-pedagogical mechanism,” in Games for training, education, health and sports SE – 4, S. Göbel and J. Wiemeyer, Eds., Springer international publishing, 2014, vol. 8395, p. 23–34.

[URL] J. Baalsrud Hauge, F. Bellotti, R. Berta, M. B. Carvalho, A. De Gloria, E. Lavagnino, R. Nadolski, and M. Ott, “Field assessment of Serious Games for Entrepreneurship in Higher Education,” Journal of convergence information technology (JCIT), vol. 8, iss. August, p. 1–12, 2013.

[PDF] [DOI] C. Islas Sedano, M. B. Carvalho, N. Secco, and S. C. Longstreet, “Collaborative and cooperative games: Facts and assumptions,” in 2013 international conference on collaboration technologies and systems (CTS), 2013, p. 370–376.

[URL] M. B. Carvalho, “Designing for Low-literacy Users: a Framework for Analysis of User-Centred Design Methods,” Master Thesis, 2011.

[PDF] [URL] M. B. Carvalho, “Distance design: planning and evaluating interactive systems for developing regions,” in INTERACT 2009 workshop: ethics, roles and relationships in interaction design in developing regions, Uppsala, Sweden, 2009, p. 1–2.


Language skills

Portuguese: Native.

English: Fluent.

Italian: Intermediate.

Finnish: Intermediate.

French: Intermediate.

Spanish: Beginner, with good reading comprehension.

Croatian: Beginner.




1 thought on “Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

  1. Ana María Soto Hernández

    ¡Hola Maira!
    Soy Ana de México y me interesa tu trabajo. Soy maestra de matemáticas y estamos investigando sobre el uso de los videojuegos para mejorar el aprendizaje.
    ¿Me podrías dar tu dirección electrónica para comunicarnos?

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