Quality attributes for serious games – questionnaire

I’m now wrapping up my PhD research. The last stage of my work is focused on the development of tools to support the design and development of serious games. More specifically, I am collecting a set of requirements and quality attributes for serious game to develop (and evaluate) a reference architecture for service-oriented serious games.

Why a reference architecture for serious games, you ask? Because it can help serious game developers in jump-starting their projects with a blueprint of how the different pieces can be put together.

Are you a game/serious game expert? Do you have 25 minutes to spare? Then click on the link below to fill in the questionnaire:


The questionnaire will be available until 18/02/2016.

Please spread the word!

2 thoughts on “Quality attributes for serious games – questionnaire

  1. George Kachergis

    Hi Maira, I know I’m ages too late, but very curious to see the survey and to know what you found! Can you please send me any paper or summary you have? Thank you — cool work!

  2. George Kachergis

    Hi Maira, I know I’m ages too late, but very curious to see the survey and to know what you found! Can you please send me any paper or summary you have? Thank you — cool work!

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