Call for Papers: Second International Workshop on Collaboration and Gaming (CoGames 2014)

As part of The 2014 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2014), In Cooperation with ACM, IEEE, and IFIP (Pending)

May 19-23, 2014
The Commons Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Submission Deadline: December 30, 2013
Submissions could be for full papers, short papers, poster papers, or posters

For more information:

Scope and Objectives

Development of video games is by definition a multi disciplinary process involving several professions, ranging from artists to engineers.  The AAA game titles produced today require rather large teams with a high level of competence (technology, programming, networks, architecture, etc.), creativity and skills.  Compared to traditional software development, game development is characterized by rapid changes of hardware, high performance requirements, and software requirements that are unstable and hard to predict.  Video games are also used for other purposes than pure entertainment, e.g., for education, training, exercising, and simulation.

In the current trends, game developers are focusing more and more on games where players must collaborate to achieve goals in the game.  Collaborative games introduce challenges for game developers to handle technical issues, performance issues, network issues, distributed environments, sharing of information, and heterogeneous networks and devices.  Further, collaborative games open new areas and applications for games to be used for new purposes that can benefit from more than just fun. Creation of these “serious collaborative games” adds additional challenges including matching of content and game activity and modeling of player proficiencies.  As players expect that games can be played anywhere, the integration of mobile gaming, hand-held and online-gaming on smartphones, consoles and tablets is becoming ever more important.  This integration introduces new challenges and leads to new opportunities.

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