Hi, I’m Maira B. Carvalho.
I am an academic researcher in Interactive Technology, with emphasis in data science, machine learning, and technology for education. Currently, I work as a data scientist at Hrvatski Telekom.
My previous work experience included a post-doctoral research position at the Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence department, at Tilburg University (Netherlands), where I worked on using data science and machine learning for user profile analysis. We were particularly interested on the use of computational linguistics in data analysis, investigating how much language data use can help us understand the user.
I finished my PhD on serious games for learning as part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate on Interactive and Cognitive Environments, having conducted my research at both the University of Genova (Italy) and TU Eindhoven (Netherlands). I hold a MSc. in Interactive Technology from the University of Tampere, Finland, and a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Advertisement from the University of Brasilia, Brazil.
I used to work as a freelancer user interface designer and information architect. I have more than ten years of experience in website development using HTML, CSS, PHP/MySQL and in leading internet sites and systems projects. I have acted in the following development cycle stages: business account management, planning, information architecture and development.
In this website you will find information about my research and publications, some of my work as a freelancer and my CV (both in English and in Portuguese).
Please feel free to get in touch with me.